It seems like everyone is rolling their own on this one. Most examples I have seen look at converting bytes to strings and then using IndexOf operators.
However, if you use bytes that cannot be converted to a string easily or do not want to use string comparison here is my version of a working function that does the trick.
private static int ByteSearch(byte[] searchIn, byte[] searchBytes, int start = 0)
int found = -1;
bool matched = false;
//only look at this if we have a populated search array and search bytes with a sensible start
if (searchIn.Length > 0 && searchBytes.Length > 0 && start <= (searchIn.Length - searchBytes.Length) && searchIn.Length >= searchBytes.Length)
//iterate through the array to be searched
for (int i = start; i <= searchIn.Length - searchBytes.Length; i++)
//if the start bytes match we will start comparing all other bytes
if (searchIn[i] == searchBytes[0])
if (searchIn.Length > 1)
//multiple bytes to be searched we have to compare byte by byte
matched = true;
for (int y = 1; y <= searchBytes.Length - 1; y++)
if (searchIn[i + y] != searchBytes[y])
matched = false;
//everything matched up
if (matched)
found = i;
//search byte is only one bit nothing else to do
found = i;
break; //stop the loop
return found;