Tuesday, October 13, 2009

CF: CFinNC is all about debugging for me

My presentations for CFinNC will be all about debugging. There is a lot to talk about crunched into two 50 minutes segments.
Debugging is the often hated but yet nonetheless very important part of the developer's life fraught with lots of frustration and brief moments of glorious joy when the culprits are found. I am trying to give both the beginner and advanced audiences multiple techniques and tools to make the shining moments more frequent and frustrating times less so.

Here is my official description about the overall presentations:

Debugging can be a very frustrating exercise. Many times we find ourselves spending three times as long as it took us to develop the code to debug it. Especially code written by other developers seems time consuming to debug ;o)
Understanding the debugging infrastructure will shortcut much of the confusion and help to quickly focus on the source of the problem. What can you do when has reached is limits? We will talk about techniques, tools, and tips available to the ColdFusion Developer to make this a "less" frustrating exercise.

Hope to see you there,

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