However it happened, it does seem to make things more difficult when trying to create windows form applications. In particular, if you want to use a web-reference in your regular windows application the number of clicks has increased and discoverability has decreased.
Adding web-references to consume web services in ASP.NET application is not impacted by this change. In particular the context sensitive links to add web-reference are gone when I am in the Solution Explorer working on a Windows Form Application.

Instead the only thing you can seemingly do is to add a service reference. Though you can start here, web services that are registered through this channel do not behave at all like the previous releases of Visual Studio. Thus, beware, this is not what you want to do if you want to consume a regular web service, especially ones that are not created with VS to begin with. To get to the plain Jane adding of a web service you have to walk through some additional steps.
A) Select the "Add Service Reference..." option, then, click on the "Advanced..." button.

B) Click on the "Add Web Service" button from the advanced screen:
Allright that should do it to bring you back into the old web service ways.
thank you I thought I was going crazy because I could not find the create web-reference on the menu!
Just cool. Its simple but its very Key to the surpurising WebReference. Thanks a lot..
Thanks man, you saved my time :)
Thanks, this resolved an issue I was having creating a web reference to SQL Server Reporting Services.
Until I did this I could not find or reference the ReportingService2010 class. Instead all that was available was ReportingService2010SoapClient.
I'm using a book about Visual Stuio 2010 (published by Microsoft) showing the Web Reference dialog but the book is obviously out of date. Cheers for this!
Thank you so much for this! I cannot tell you how much time I spent trying to get this registered correctly.... none of Microsoft's postings seem to tell you to add it specifically as a web reference.
thank you so much. It was so helpful
This was a quick fix to a problem that was causing some serious issues. I wasn't even aware that a web reference and a service reference were different. Thanks a lot!
Thank you!! This is exactly the aid I was looking for!!
thanks alot...
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