Wednesday, December 29, 2010

CF: Railo 3.2 Released

After much work the Railo team released the new version (3.2) of Railo over Christmas.
Railo is one of the Open Source ColdFusion application engines available. The other notable one is Open Blue Dragon.
If you are doing ColdFusion based programming this is something that should belong to your stable of tools that you are familiar with.
In the past the discover-ability of Railo was harder as it was not as easy to understand how to get things going once you downloaded it. Though technically simply the step of getting it installed and going was a hurdle that made it harder than the Adobe engine.
With this release among a myriad of enhancement installers were made available for multiple platforms. For example, for the windows platform the comparable Railo installer is one third the size of Adobe's while it handles both 32 and 64 bit installations.

Happy Experimenting,

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