Wednesday, August 31, 2011

NCDevCon 2011: Developer Conference coming up Setp 17-18, Raleigh, NC

For the last three years an amazing thing has happened. The Triangle Area ColdFusion User's Group (TACFUG), has put a lot of blood, sweat and tears into organizing a conference, NCDevCon, that has ColdFusion at its center.
This by itself is an amazing feat; especially given that the large ColdFusion specific conferences are faltering and Adobe, the main source of CF, does not have an independent gathering focused on this topic.
On top of this, the conference manages to have broad coverage of many relevant areas of Colfusion and Web development while also giving beginners options for hands on sessions.
This is a major, major (yes two majors!) achievement. So definetly cudos to the organizers.
All this is available for a very small fee ($60) compared to the several hundreds of dollards we commonly pay. So definetly a deal in light of the knowledge that is being shared.

I have been selected to do two presentations this year on very different topics. The first one on Application Security, I can see eyes already glazing over, nope we'll provide some practical code here as well.
The other one is on mobile application developement with Sencha Touch and ColdFusion. This one is harder to organize as I have lots of material I am trying to decide what to cut out at the moment.

Hope to see you there.


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